National and International Recognition

Citation metrics

Publication h-factor 71

Career citations total 17,290 (Google Scholar)

Top 3% scientists globally by h-index (AD Scientific Index).

Research grant review and advisory committees

  1. Editorial Board: Nature Scientific Reports; 2016 – 2023. Handling manuscripts for eligibility, for review and making decision on for publication
  1. Associate Editor: BMC Endocrine Disorders; 2012 – 2023
  1. Editorial Board: International Journal of Molecular science “Biochemistry section”; 2020 – 2024
  1. Research grant review panel, Pathophysiology Evaluation committee of the French National Research Agency (ANR), 2017 
  1. Research grant review panel, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology committee of The academy of Finland, 2018 – 2021
  1. Member/Chair of a Biochemical Society, Theme Panel Theme Panel III – Energy and Metabolism (2014 – 2019). Role involving:
    1. to instigate, encourage, review or commission the different types of meetings that make up the Society’s varied meeting programme throughout each year.
    2. to play an important role in the identification of potential Award winners.
    3. to identify gaps in the coverage of science both on the Panels and within the meetings programme.
    4. to provide an opportunity to develop interdisciplinary activities and to collaborate with a number of Sister Societies.
  1. Council Member 2015 – 2021, International Maillard Reaction Society (IMARS), Tokyo, Japan.
  1. Expert Group member on ‘Characterization of and criteria for glycaemic exposure markers in the non-diabetic population’ International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Europe; 2015 – 2019.
  1. Secretary of European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Study Group on Reactive Metabolites in Diabetes, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2014 – date.
  1. Research grant review panel, Dutch Arthritis Foundation; 2014 -2015
  1. Research grant review panel, Latvian Science Council (LSC); 2013 
  1. Co-Editor of Amino Acids journal – Glycation Section; 2010 – 2012
  1. Member of The Intellectual Property Advisory Committee, Office of Innovation and Intellectual Property, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar; 2021-2023
  1. President-elect of International Maillard Reaction Society (IMARS) 2024-2027

Prizes and awards

Shaul Massry Prize for the best oral poster presentation at the 4th International Congress on Uremic Research and Toxicity in Izmir, Turkey, 14th – 16th September 2005

  1. Shaul Massry Prize for the best oral poster presentation at the 4th International Congress on Uremic Research and Toxicity in Izmir, Turkey, 14th – 16th September 2005
  1. Eli Lilly Clinical Science Poster Award, (with Babaei-Jadidi, R., Al-Ali, H., Song, L., Ahmed, A., Bodmer, C. and Thornalley, P.J.), Diabetes UK Meeting, Birmingham, U.K., 2006.
  1. 2014 Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT) Prize (Best oral presentation award) A simple biochemical algorithm for the detection of early-stage osteoarthritis 21st SICOT Trainees meeting London 01st and 02nd June 2014
  1. Research poster competition, 2nd place award in Medics category (Ahmed, U., Savage, R.S., Anwar, M.M., Costa, M.L., Filer, A., Raza, K., Watts, R.A., Winyard, P.G., Tarr, J., Haigh, R.C., Thornalley, P.J. and Rabbani, N. (2015) Biomarker combination detects early-stage and discriminates osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory joint disease. Scientific Reports 5: 9259), R & I summit, Friday 14th July 2017, UHCW, Coventry.
  1. Awarded 2nd Place Faculty Presentation on “Conversion of low density lipoprotein to the small, dense pro-atherogenic form by glycation with methylglyoxal – super-sticky ‘ultra-bad’ cholesterol at 5th QU Health Research Symposium, 15th November 2020.
  1. Gold award and research excellence award “method development of blood test for autism” at the 7th International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN 2022.
  1. Received Qatar University Innovation Award for the method development of blood test for autism” at Qatar University annual research forum 2022.

Membership of journal editorial boards and learned/professional societies

  • European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Dusseldorf, Germany – co founder (with Professors Paul Thornalley and Peter Nawroth, University of Heidelberg) of EASD Study Group on Reactive Metabolites in Diabetes.
  • The Biochemical Society, London, U.K.
  • International Maillard Reaction Society (IMARS), USA